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The jellies have abilities that can help the player and other jellies. These are abilities like gathering items, boosting effects, and boosting player movement. These abilities are integral to the progress of the game. Abilities are unlocked through the trust levels.

Feature Summary

There are two ability types: passive and active. Passive abilities are abilities that are automatically enabled without the player needing to activate them. Active abilities on the other hand need to be activated by the player first in some form. Some active abilities require the Jelly to be in a particular mood.

All abilities (including passive abilities) can be tied to a Jelly's level and current evolution stage. Jellies don't gain abilities until it has some experience points and the player earns their trust. A level 1 Jelly possesses zero abilities. As the Jelly grows up and trusts the player more, it aids the player through its abilities.

Certain abilities are tied to a Jelly's type. For example, only an Arctic Jelly can use the "Ice Shoes" ability.



Example Visual

Feature Components

Considerations and Dependencies

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