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In SkyJellies memories of Earth, you are a traveler from Earth sent to discover a new planet. 


When it comes to the narrative of the game, very little is established narrative-wise but there are many key issues to be considered before creating the game’s narrative.

1. We seek the maximum number of players possible and therefore we hope to launch natively in every language around the world. To do this we intend to have no written language in the game whatsoever. The whole story must be told through the perspective of environmental design, cutscenes, music, etc.

2. AI ads are an important part of the game’s future.

“[P1-AI] is a brand new Open Collective that seeks to build a new type of advertising platform that does not seek to harvest your private data. Together we're building a new foundation for the free, interactive, internet that puts people at the center. The goal is to connect data scientists with gamers by allowing data scientists to leverage micro-contributions by gamers in order to annotate images. This is not too different from captchas but rather than the data going just to Google anyone can plug their queries into the system.”

To learn more visit: How data science & video gamers can unite to feed the world!

To put it simply, rather than selling your data, you sell bits of knowledge to AI. Our game seeks to be the home of this idea.

3. The game is all about interaction with cute creatures and we see teaching as an important part of that interaction. Teaching a child can be a beautiful moment of bonding so what if you could capture that beautiful moment and make it something where you are actually training AI?

This is just a theory so far but we hope to have tablets in our game in which you can draw. If you draw around something and show it to your Jelly they might recognize it and give you something. For example, you might draw a box around a tomato and the Jelly may give you a tomato seed

4. The game is targeted toward people who will enjoy cute games and therefore needs to be simple enough to be played by a child.

5. The game will have no death, violence, war, suffering, illness, bones, charms, monsters, dragons, magic, zombies, ghosts, undead, witches, gremlins, religious/sexual themes (in the widest definition), crime or criminal themes or jokes which involve the above. This all has to do with accessibility and being able to be played by the maximum size audience possible. One of the challenges that we seek to overcome is creating an interesting and challenging game without having the usual death or survival mechanic.

This all has to do with accessibility and being able to be played by the maximum size audience possible. One of the challenges that we seek to overcome is creating an interesting and challenging game without having the usual death or survival mechanic.

Please do this course before making narrative additions: Design 01 - Documentation & Miro Tutorial

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