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Used Video InsightsThe video titled "The vision for sky jellies -- by our lead designer!" presents the grand vision for a game that shares similarities with Minecraft and other survival sandbox games, but with a unique focus on adorable creatures called sky delis. The ultimate goal of the game is to build a sky island paradise for both the player and the sky jellies. Each jelly will have its own living space that matches its needs.

Sky jellies replace many of the tools and workstations typically found in survival games, using their abilities to help with progression. The game is designed for people who use gaming for relaxation, particularly those who fit into the green and blue emotions on the emotional color wheel. The game aims to evoke emotions of harmony, healing, compassion, and trust.

The three pillars of the game are compassion, creativity, and exploration, with compassion being the most important. The gameplay loop involves gaining resources to fulfill the daily needs of the jellies, which in turn helps the player gain more resources. As the jellies become happier, they level up and gain new abilities to help the player with tasks such as crafting and gathering resources.

The player must create fitting living spaces and environments for each jelly, including food, toys, and a place to sleep, play, and bathe. The jelly in the game can produce honeydew to help progress and unlock new abilities as it levels up. This is the first version of the base loop in the prototype, and there is more documentation on the forum about the future vision of the game. Feedback and ideas are welcome.

You can watch the video here for more details.

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