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Alicia is an ocean world with a huge, deep ocean and a comparatively small Pangea on its surface. The planet is very green on its Pangea and its ocean is filled with multi-colored micro-organisms which leave huge colored patches of ocean visible from space.

These microorganisms formed the foundation of the majority of the animal life which is found in the oceans. The vast majority of creatures are ocean based.

The planet is very volcanically active leading to a surface that is constantly enriched. Moreover, geothermal vents are abundant.

The tidal force of its sister planet is massive. Every wave is a tsunami and the tidal forces break lines which allow magma to flow up everywhere.

The planet is heated by its active core and not the star as it’s way out of the habitable zone of its star.

The atmosphere is thick and humid as lava causes water to boil, rise and form large clouds. Microorganisms float up with the water as it rises and many creatures have adapted to capture these floating creatures in the air to add to their own stock. They don’t eat these microorganisms but store them in themselves to use their by-products as food while offering these microorganisms more time to photosynthesize.

Huge storms and storm systems come up quickly but pass quickly.

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