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Shows weather and indicates planet positions. Examples:

Weather Sky
Raining Lightly22° CRaining Lightly 22° C It’s totally dark. It’s totally dark.

Example of a spring eclipse. If you can use emojis to spice things up please do.

Weather Sky
Sunny35° CSunny 35° C It’s mid-day. A small ring around Saris is lightly seen in the south and you can barely make out each moon.It’s mid-day. A small ring around Saris is lightly seen in the south and you can barely make out each moon.

In the above example, the brightness of the sun makes the planets hard to see.


Shows the same thing as .weather but the other way around.

Weather Sky
It’s snowing-5° CIt’s snowing -5° C It’s quite dark but the moon Argela shines bright.It’s quite dark but the moon Argela shines bright.

If it's snowing or raining you can’t see a shooting star.

Weather Sky
It’s clear-5° CIt’s clear -5° C It’s quite dark but the moon Argela shines bright. You see a ___ color shooting star over head! It’s quite dark but the moon Argela shines bright. You see a ___ color shooting star over head!

In the above example, the brightness of the sun makes the planets hard to see.

Season/Month Average Low Average High Chance of Rain Chance of Snow Chance of Windstorm Chance of Sandstorm Chance of a Superstorm Chance of Shooting Stars
Winter -15 5 0 1/4 days 1/8 0 0 100 per day
Winter -5 20 1/50 1/5 days 1/8 0 1/300 200 per day
Spring 1 26 1/2 days 1/7 1/5 0 1/80 400 per day
Summer 10 30 1/7 0 1/8 1/30 1/40 3000 per day
Summer 13 30 1/7 0 1/8 1/20 1/12 400 per day
Summer 10 35 1/7 0 1/8 1/30 1/7 Days 200per day
Fall -2 22 1/3 days 1/7 1/5 0 1/12 100 per day
Winter -7 10 1/50 1/3 days 1/8 0 1/80 100 per day

Every day there are tons of shooting stars but each one lasts only five seconds and so your chances of seeing them are very very small. Moreover, they only are visible in darkness during the daily darkness of the Saris eclipse. The sky must also be clear (no rain, snow, or storm). During summer 4, the planet travels through an asteroid belt increasing the chances exponentially.

Your job is to come up with their chances of seeing a shooting star whatever they type .sky or .weather.

They come up with the color of the shooting star, choose one of the colors below randomly, and then run through its probability. If it DOES NOT land on that ⅓ chance, for example, choose another color randomly. If you have a better way, please let me know.

Color Chance of Appearing
White 1/3
Pink 1/3
Purple 1/5
Blue 1/10
Navy Blue 1/12
Cyan 1/14
Turquoise 1/16
Green 1/18
Lime 1/24
Yellow 1/48
Amber 1/96
Orange 1/192
Black 1/384
Red 1/768

All chances are DOUBLE on a night where both moons are hidden.


In a similar way, during each time of daily darkness which has no snow, rain, or storm you have a decent chance (⅓) of seeing an aurora.

Chance of Aurora Any Green Lime Turquoise Blue Yellow Purple Pink Red
Winter 1/3 1/3 1/5 1/10 1/40 1/80 1/90 1/100 1/150
Winter 1/3 1/3 1/5 1/10 1/40 1/80 1/90 1/100 1/150
Spring 1/3 1/3 1/5 1/10 1/40 1/80 1/90 1/100 1/150
Summer 1/3 1/3 1/5 1/10 1/40 1/80 1/90 1/100 1/150
Summer 1/3 1/3 1/5 1/10 1/40 1/80 1/90 1/100 1/150
Summer 1/3 1/3 1/5 1/10 1/40 1/80 1/90 1/100 1/150
Fall 1/3 1/3 1/5 1/10 1/40 1/80 1/90 1/100 1/150
Winter 1/3 1/3 1/5 1/10 1/40 1/80 1/90 1/100 1/150

What I want you to do with each of these is to come up with a total planetary weather system. None of this has any use right now but later on, very special things will only happen during special occasions.

For example, certain creatures will only come out when a blue aurora follows a superstorm.

You want this weather system to be as deep and as imaginative as possible.

All the weather on the planet should be connected and somewhat predictable. Use the average temperatures I've given to come up with a random daily temperature number. However, have things be relatively predictable in that if one day it's snowing it shouldn't suddenly be 30 degrees above the next day. Make sure variation stays reasonable. During a superstorm, it must necessarily be raining.

It shouldn't be above 0 in temperature and be snowing.

There are a lot of small common sense things I could not possibly specify in detail. Please use common sense. If you're used to Fahrenheit you're going to have to really get to know Celsius quite well. 0*c, 32*f = freezing.

Condition Celsius Fahrenheit
Absolute Zero - 273.15 - 459.67 ºF
Parity - 40 ºC - 40 ºF
Freezing Point 0 ºC 32 ºF
Body Temperature 37 ºC 98.6 ºF
Boiling Point 100 ºC 212 ºF

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