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The more you take care of a jelly, the more it trusts you. This is expressed through trust levels. As the jelly levels up, you will unlock trust perks for the jelly, like being able to pet, carry, and name it. The jelly will also unlock more abilities it can use to help the player.

Feature Summary

The more you take care of a jelly, the more it trusts you. This is expressed through trust levels. As the jelly levels up, you will unlock trust perks for the jelly, like being able to pet it, carry it, and name it. The jelly will also unlock more abilities it can use to help the player.


Feature Components

Jelly Needs

To level up jellies, you have to fill their needs. Their needs are like eating, playing, and sleeping. Needs can be filled directly; for example, feeding a jelly or playing with it. But as jellies level up, they will gain more independence, meaning they can take care of their needs themselves, as long as the player puts down the facilities needed. For example, if you plant fruits for the jelly, it can eat them itself, when they grow, or you could make a swing that the jelly can play with on its own. That way it becomes more about building a good environment and home for the jelly.

Each jelly has slightly different needs. As the jelly levels up and grows, it gets more needs.

Based on the jelly's needs, the jelly has an overall happiness meter. When the happiness meter is above 50%, the jelly will passively gain XP for the trust levels. The higher the meter is above 50%, the faster the jelly will gain XP.

More details on jelly needs can be found here: Needs


When a jelly levels up, it unlocks new abilities to use. There are two types of abilities, helping abilities and trust abilities. Helping abilities are abilities the jelly can use to help the player and other jellies. This is abilities like crafting, cooking, gathering, and boosting player movement. Trust abilities are things the jelly lets the player do because they trust the player more. These are things like carrying, petting, and naming the jelly.

As the jelly levels up, some already unlocked abilities will also be upgraded.

More details on jelly abilities can be found here: Abilities

Example Visual

What should be manipulable in the Unity editor

Considerations and Dependencies

Team Dependency
Programming Trust Levels Framework
Art Jelly UI
Programming Jelly UI Functionality
Programming Jelly Needs
Art Fulfilling needs animations
Programming Jelly abilities
Art Jelly Ability Animations

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